Sorkkaeläinkaadot // game bag for deer, moose and wildboar (1-10) Dec 14, 2019 - Feb 14, 2022

Ihan mielenkiinnosta päätin nyt alkaa seuraamaan kaatoja, kun ne vielä yksitellen muistan. Antaa myös käsitystä siitä, että yksi kaato tarkoittaa käytännössä aika montaa tyhjää reissua. Kaato ON oleellinen osa metsästystä, muttei suinkaan se ainoa, eikä aina edes tärkein. Näistä vähäisistäkin kaadoista muistan hihkaukset ja onnittelut radiosta, pumpun jyskytyksen, kun ruhoa on raahattu tielle, ja ne hetket ennen liipaisimen puristusta - pumppu hakkaa ja aistit ovat terävimmillään.

I decided to keep records of my kills. It probably will not be a massive list, but an interesting one over long run, I think. At this point, I still remember the places, the exact moments and my successes and failures. More importantly, I remember what it felt like when I knew I could take the shot, the cheerful messages over the radio after I announced the kill, the guys grinning at me, all the wonderful things in my world of hunting. So here goes..

(Sep 2021)

Date Type Of Game Remarks
10. Feb 14, 2022 Roedeer, fem < 1 yr I´ve found a really good highseat! This time there was a deer before I got to my venue, she noticed me and took off before I was ready. Drizzle and rather poor visibility, but no wind. I waited patiently and there there were, an adult roedeer and two younger animals. One had her side towards me and I took the shot, she did fall immediately, but unfortunately the bulled ripped some of the sirloin :( It´ll still make a great cured roll.
9. Feb 3, 2022 Whitetailed deer,
fem < 1 yr
High seat, a very neat venue. It had been a busy day at work, so I was happy to relax for a bit and enjoyed a cup of tea. And all of a sudden, two females came into my sight. The younger was walking ahead and when she stopped, I squeezed the trigger. Got a bit low, but did the job. Field dressing, getting the coat off - all done by me. A couple of mistakes, but
I´ll live and will learn from this.
8. Jan 22, 2022 Roedeer, buck > 1 yr I got to my venue - a high seat by the side of a field - around 4 p.m. it was still light, and nothing going on. Waited. Still nothing. And as they typically do - they appear out of nowhere. There he was, a roe buck standing still. I had my Swarovski Z8i at 5x, and took the shot. Field dressing, getting the buck back to our slaughter house - all by myself. A little bit of help getting the coat off. I am quite pleased after passing a couple of opportunities of which I thought were too much for my shooting skills. This one was within, and I have a buck to prove it!
7. Jan 1, 2022 Whitetailed deer buck A female and a buck came quite early in the afternoon. I wanted to have the female, but she would only stand her tail against me. The buck was behind her at first, and only when he was standing with his side towards me I could take a shot. This time with a borrowed gun, a Sauer 404 (.308 Win) with a GRS rifle stock, super nice grip. 50 kg slaughter weight. And a nice trophy, too - even if the meat is The Thing for me :)
6. Nov 20, 2021 Roedeer, fem. < 1 yr My first ever roedeer. I was patient to let it come closer and offer its side, the young female did and I took the shot, when she was about 60 meters away. I thought I got a good hit, but she bolted forward, so reloaded and shot again. She fell. Gray, drizzly, yet very windy weather conditions.
5. Sep 3, 2021 Whitetailed deer,
fem. < 1 yr
The longest shot so far, about 150 m. I shot her twice, because she did jump over a ditch after my first, so had to make sure. Both shots clean and accurate. Experience has made be more confident. Wet, muddy grounds.
4. Dec 26, 2020 Whitetailed deer. fem < 1 yr We had surrounded a boggy area, and the dogs were headed our way, clearly something ahead of them. A member of our party took a shot, but announced it had continued and I was alerted, it was coming my way. And sure enough, a young calf who came very cautiously, as if it was perhaps wounded, came my way - to about 70 meters. I took a shot as soon as she stopped, and she stumbled a few steps and fell. Turned out she had not been shot at previously, but we had plenty of animals left in our quota, so it was a good, clean kill.
3. Sep 1, 2020 Whitetailed deer, fem. < 1 yr My first ever stalk. I had climbed onto one of our highseats overlooking the field. It was a lovely evening, sunny and warm. The sun set, and out of nowhere I noticed two females and a calf right behind me. That was a forbidden area because there would have been a road right after the field. So I had to wait and see if the deer would have the courage to walk on. The older females noticed me and got nervous, but the calf did not bother to pay any attention to their warnings, and she walk right into my range. She was about 10 m away from me - a clean shot and she fell immediately.
2. Jan 6, 2020 Whitetailed deer, fem. < 1 yr We had a dachshound working and she found a pack of deer, and they split up. I was close to a forest path and was alerted on the radio that a fawn was headed my way. I saw her coming, she crossed the path and I took a shot. The distance was maybe 20 meters - had she been further away, I probably would have let her go - but this seemed to be relevant considering my skills, even if she was running. I took the shot and she fell.
1. Dec 14, 2019 Whitetailed deer, fem. < 1 yr MY FIRST EVER KILL WITH A RIFLE! I had been going to these hunts very actively, every weekend since the beginning of the season. And now the dachshound "Lysti" brought me a group, I chose the calf and took a shot. It was a lousy shot, in her hind quarters, but she fell immediately and turned out I hit a major bone which then broke major veins, so she died very quickly. I even found the bullet in the rump I had destroyed. Happy to have my first, but for sure - lesson to be learned. Don´t want to shoot so poorly in the future!